Enhance the competitiveness of European workers from the furniture industry by gaining new skills and knowledge in eco-design

Eco-design considers the environmental impact a product will have during its lifespan, taking into account aspects such as raw materials that are used, manufacturing and transport processes, their use and end-of-life recyclability, so that this impact can be minimized at the time of product design.

To promote training in this methodology, ECO4VET will develop new tools and training materials, and pilot courses in eco-design and sustainable products will be carried out. The project consists of analyzing the training needs of this industry, defining the learning itinerary and the course content, developing and adapting an e-learning platform and carrying out several pilot courses in different countries.

The first project phase, which was developed during the first 6 months, is almost finished, and dealt with the analysis of the training offer on the current eco-design issues in the different countries involved in the project. While finishing this phase, the second meeting was held, where the work done so far and the next to be carried out has been reviewed. Besides, the design of the training itineraries according to the student’s profile, the content of the eco-design and sustainable production courses and the e-learning platform were highlighted.

Furthermore, a dissemination event was held, in which apart from the 9 attending partners, companies, business associations and specific press from the Polish wood and furniture industry participated.

The project leader is the Technological Centre of Wood and Furniture of Catalonia (CENFIM) and another Spanish entity, the Occupation Service of Catalonia (SOC), also participates.

This project has been funded with the support from the European Commision.