Cluster of Innovation for Furniture Manufactures in the Region of Murcia


A space for collaboration between companies and technological, research and knowledge centres to develop technology and business projects.



Industry 4.0


Corporate Social Responsibility


Circular Economy


Habitat Innovation


Applying cross-cutting knowledge, we focus on the importance of manufacturing processes through Industry 4.0 and innovation in the habitat industry, while being responsible and watching over our environment through Circular Economy and Corporate Social Responsibility.



We are committed to promoting innovative projects that are also relevant for our associates

Information on the sector

Tender opportunities

Our weekly selection of national tenders for the habitat and the healthcare industries.

Tendering has never been so easy


Keep up to date on events, webinars and conferences organized by AMUEBLA.

There is no excuse for missing anything.

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Amuebla helped us keeping up to date with the requirements that our medical devices must meet.

Alejandro Guardiola

CCEO of Formas Descanso

Alejandro Guardiola

The AMUEBLA cluster is a strategic partner for projects and tenders within the sustainable and digital habiat industry.

Carmen de Guerrero Manso

Administrative Law Professor at the University of Zaragoza


As a partner of AMUEBLA, we had the chance to participate in collaborative projects on circular economy , which made us becoming a more environmentally sustainable company.

Octavio Martínez Sánchez

Administrative Director of Acomodel

Octavio Martínez Sánchez


New European project to strengthen business leadership through feedback and growth mindset

OPEN FEEDBACK CULTURE es una iniciativa que busca dotar a las PYMEs de herramientas y conocimientos para construir entornos de trabajo psicológicamente seguros y fomentar una cultura de feedback basada en el Growth Mindset.

Science and sustainability with a gender perspective: the challenge of GREENIFY

GREENIFY trabaja con el objetivo de inspirar y preparar a niñas y mujeres jóvenes, especialmente procedentes de zonas rurales o sin referentes en educación superior, para que puedan liderar la economía verde.

New MASTERY newsletter: Microcredentials to boost green skills

¡Lanzamos la 2ª newsletter de #MASTERY! Descubre cómo las microcredenciales ayudarán a actualizar y recalificar a profesionales con competencias verdes en sectores clave: agroalimentario, construcción, madera/muebles y fabricación.

FITT-NESS project promotes circular economy in the furniture sector through a workshop organised by CETEM and AMUEBLA

El Centro Tecnológico del Mueble y la Madera (CETEM), en colaboración con la asociación empresarial AMUEBLA, ha celebrado un taller estratégico en el marco del

NewEcoSmart drives green and digital transition in rural areas with meeting in Naples

NewEcoSmart se reunió los días 28 y 29 de enero en Nápoles para avanzar en su misión de fomentar la sostenibilidad y la digitalización en zonas rurales. La agenda incluyó la revisión de herramientas formativas clave

First meeting of the European GREENIFY project to promote green careers for young women and girls in rural areas

With this inaugural meeting, the partners have laid the foundations for GREENIFY to become a benchmark in the promotion of gender equality in the field of green careers and in the training of professionals who will lead the sustainable transformation in Europe.

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Las zonas rurales dependen de actividades tradicionales. La transición verde implica la adopción de prácticas sostenibles, lo que no solo preserva los recursos naturales, sino que también aumenta la eficiencia y la rentabilidad a largo plazo.#NEWECOSMART

AMUEBLA participa activamente en la segunda reunión del proyecto #NewEcoSmart en Gijón. Resultados reveladores de encuestas destacan la urgencia de mejorar habilidades en digitalización, circularidad y emprendurismo. 💡

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