ENDURANCE will develop a green acceleration methodology for EU clusters to integrate green growth, eco-innovation and European Green Deal strategies and scenarios in SMEs and startups, thus supporting the green transition by channeling through clusters the knowledge that will facilitate the sustainable reconversion of the European industrial fabric.
Expected results
- A comprehensive methodology on green acceleration for clusters with defined, transferable and effective acceleration scenarios, which will serve as a compelling and practical roadmap for other European clusters, regardless of their sector of industrial activity.
- An audio-visual toolkit to boost SMEs and startups’ knowledge on concepts, best practices and strategies related to EGD to facilitate the green transition through upskilling and reskilling European SMEs and startups.
- A clear methodology, complemented by a facilitator’s guide and toolkit, for EU cluster management teams to implement their own green acceleration workshops.
- A policy paper that collects and reflects all the experience and knowledge gained by the partners and offers possible solutions and measures that can be taken to support clusters as a crucial tool for the necessary change towards a green transition in Europe.