Over the past two years, the INNO Industry project partners and their stakeholders have been working together to share knowledge on digitisation strategies.
The Perspektiva business incubator in Postojna (Slovenia) hosted the final conference of the INNO Industry project last week, which was attended by the entire partnership and Erwin Siweris, Programme Manager at the Interreg Europe Secretariat. The event was moderated by Mihael Leskovar and PhD. Jana Nadoh Bergoč from the SIO Cluster.
After the presentation of the INNO Industry project by Nataša Šterban Bezjak,. Erwin Siweris, presented the novelties of the Interreg Europe 2021-2027 Cooperation Programme, after which, Raquel Ortega, project partner for AMUEBLA, summarised the results obtained in terms of communication and presented a video showing the conclusions reached at the end of phase 1 of the project.
Finally, an interactive dialogue was held with five panel members to discuss actions towards the transformation to Industry 4.0:
PhD. Damjan Kavaš, Institute for Economic Research (IER), Slovenia.
MSc. Simone Hagenauer, ecoplus. The Business Agency of Lower Austria.
Mr. Torbjörn Johnsson, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB.
Mr. Gal Kormendy, West-Pannon Regional and Economic Development Public Nonprofit Ltd., Hungary.
Mr. Daniel Cosnita, Romanian Cluster Association – CLUSTERO