ENDURANCE Project: Driving green transition in EU SMEs and startups

The ENDURANCE project is an innovative initiative to empower European small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and startups in the integration of European Green Deal strategies. Through the creation of a Green Acceleration methodology, this project aims to boost green growth, eco-innovation and the adoption of the European Green Deal (EGD) policies in the European business fabric.

ENDURANCE focuses on the development of a green acceleration methodology specifically designed for EU clusters. This methodology will not only offer clearly defined, transferable and effective acceleration scenarios, but will also serve as a practical and convincing roadmap for other European clusters, regardless of their industrial sector.

In addition, the project will develop an audio-visual toolkit that will provide key knowledge to SMEs and startups on concepts, best practices and strategies related to EGD. This toolkit is designed to facilitate the green transition by upgrading and retraining the skills of workers in these companies.

The ENDURANCE methodology will be complemented by a facilitator’s guide and a toolkit for EU cluster management teams to easily implement green acceleration workshops in their respective organisations.

The ENDURANCE project is positioned as a key piece in the jigsaw of the green transition in Europe. By empowering SMEs and startups through its Green Acceleration methodology, the project is paving the way for a more sustainable and innovative future on the continent.