MASTERY project: boosting micro-credentials for sustainable sectors

The MASTERY project aims to set a standard in the integration of micro-credentials to meet the growing demand for upgrading and re-skilling in strategic sectors. With a strong focus on green skills, this project promises to transform the way training needs are addressed in industries such as agri-food, construction, wood/furniture and manufacturing.

The project is currently conducting research on micro-credentialing solutions, with the aim of publishing a comprehensive report highlighting the effectiveness of these certifications in driving the alignment of green skills with industry demands. The micro-credentialing policy methodology developed by MASTERY provides a clear framework for the implementation and management of these programmes, ensuring their relevance and effectiveness in the labour market.

One of the highlights of the project is the MASTERY Collection of 12 Green Skills Micro-credentials, which cover a wide range of skills needed to promote sustainable practices in the above-mentioned sectors. These micro-credentials are designed to be flexible and adaptable to the specific needs of each sector, providing a clear pathway to professional upgrading in key areas of sustainability.

The project aims to produce joint recommendations and guidelines for future implementation, with the objective of broadening its scope and maximising its impact on vocational training in sustainable sectors. It is hoped that these recommendations will further boost the adoption of micro-credentials as a comprehensive solution to address skills demands in an economy in transition towards sustainability.